What can you do in 24 hours? Start the clock...

26.05.2021 by Luis Garcia

What can you do in 24 hours?

  • Back in 2011, Will Levandowski took home the Guinness World Record for the greatest vertical distance rock climb in 24 hours by climbing 29,130 feet on Flagstaff Mountain in Boulder, Colorado.
  • A Domino's Pizza in Australia schooled everyone in June 2012 by taking home the world record for most pizzas made by a team in 24 hours – 7,539.
  • Perhaps you’re feeling strong? Lucas Garel demonstrated a stunning display of strength in July 2011, performing 5.045 chin-ups in the space of 24 hours.

How does the SD-WAN budgetary tool work in 24 hours?

Thanks to our team of expert software designers and architects, we’re ready to hit the ground running and start saving you time right away. We work with multiple vendors such as Silver Peak, Cisco, Cisco Meraki, Juniper and Aryaka to name a few – so we can always find the right SD-WAN solution for your business. Here’s how we get a process that usually takes weeks down to just 24 hours. 

  1. Blueprint mapping. You wouldn’t build a house without blueprints and a plan, and software architecture is the same. If you already have a defined idea of capabilities and solutions you need from SD-WAN, congratulations! But if you’re not sure of how SD-WAN could support your business in improving network performance, security, and operations, our architects are on hand to help. 
  2. Start the clock. The software architecture is defined as much as possible at this stage, so it’s time to hit the 24-hour countdown. Thanks to all the information gathered in the mapping and planning stage, we can confidently put together a budgetary quote outlining the underlay and overlay of SD-WAN for your business. For each vendor, we have a competence center, meaning we are always in a position to provide detailed advice on each solution.
  3. Enter negotiations. The budgetary quote is a starting point for further fine-tuning and development. It’s ideal for assessing the cost and return on investment of moving to SD-WAN and can be used to help discuss and onboard key stakeholders and decision-makers. Now we can get into the detail and really understand what needs and requirements you have, so we can ensure we’re offering the best SD-WAN solution for your business needs. 

How do I know if SD-WAN is right for my business?

Choosing to upgrade something as essential as your software architecture and network performance isn’t something to jump into with your eyes closed. Our 24-hour budgetary tool is just one of the ways we help you understand the benefits. We can also deliver a proof of concept, so you can assess the effects of SD-WAN before committing to full implementation.

There are always pain points associated with software upgrades - but luckily, we’re able to address and overcome these:

Pain point 1: Quoting Time and Cost of Change

Quoting times for software architecture typically take weeks, depending on the vendor you choose. In a process that needs a lot of conversation and discussion to reach the right solution, price is the one thing that shouldn’t be holding things up. It’s why we devised our 24-hour turnaround. Get the numbers on the table and start talking. 

Pain point 2: Network efficiencies 

Upgrading and putting in new systems is one thing, but what about future improvements and developments? How do you know if the system will be able to cope with updates and new technologies further down the line? 

As we’re experts in software solutions and network technologies, we’re always researching and implementing the very latest advancements into our packages. We work to ensure our systems are adaptable and stay secure, high-performing, and operational over time. 

Pain point 3: Transactional and e-commerce support

More and more companies are realising the power of e-commerce and online transactions. But not all software systems were created equal and it’s important to ensure that your system can cope with potentially high levels of traffic and payment processing. SD-WAN can help support e-commerce sites, and we offer flexible quoting and tailored solutions to help meet your exact needs and deliver the right support for your business. 

Start the clock and embark on a guaranteed journey to network and systems performance improvement. Contact our team today for your SD-WAN budgetary quote.

Get your quote

If all of these incredible feats can be achieved within the space of a day, why does it traditionally take days and sometimes weeks, just to obtain an accurate quote for implementing an SD-WAN solution? The answer: it doesn’t.

Our new SD-WAN budgeting tool offers the fastest quoting turnaround of any market leader in the sector. Get a detailed quote that outlines your specific needs and SD-WAN solutions in just 24 hours. No waiting around for weeks, no lengthy upfront investment in time and consultation. Ready? Start the clock...

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Luis Garcia

Senior Pricing Lead at Deutsche Telekom Global Business Solutions